John Wall Net Worth : $23.5 Million
Annual Salary : $15.8 Million
Date of Birth : September 6, 1990
Country / Birthplace : Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Age : 25 Year Old
NBA Team : Washington Wizards
Johnathan Hildred Wall, Jr to whom we all know for his basketball name (John Wall) is currently playing for the team of Washington Wizards . John Wall plays on the position of the (Point guard) and has performed outstanding for his team . He is selected in the NBA draft of 2010 in the round one by Washington Wizards . He made three times to the NBA All-Star team .
Annual Salary : $15.8 Million
Date of Birth : September 6, 1990
Country / Birthplace : Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Age : 25 Year Old
NBA Team : Washington Wizards
Johnathan Hildred Wall, Jr to whom we all know for his basketball name (John Wall) is currently playing for the team of Washington Wizards . John Wall plays on the position of the (Point guard) and has performed outstanding for his team . He is selected in the NBA draft of 2010 in the round one by Washington Wizards . He made three times to the NBA All-Star team .