A.J Styles Net Worth : $3.5 Million
Annual Salary : $650,000 (2016)
Date of Birth : June 2, 1977
Country / Birthplace : North Carolina, United States
Age : 38 Year Old
Occupation : Professional Wrestler
Spouse : Wendy Jones
Allen Neal Jones to whom we know for the ring name (A.J Styles) in World Wrestling Entertainment and TNA wrestling . He is one of the most successful wrestler in TNA and 2 times TNA World Heavyweight Champion winner . He is now days one of the top performers in WWE and making regular appearances on main-event pay-per views. He is looking to become the new world heavyweight champion . Styles recently made his debut back to WWE in Royal Rumble 2016.
Annual Salary : $650,000 (2016)
Date of Birth : June 2, 1977
Country / Birthplace : North Carolina, United States
Age : 38 Year Old
Occupation : Professional Wrestler
Spouse : Wendy Jones
Allen Neal Jones to whom we know for the ring name (A.J Styles) in World Wrestling Entertainment and TNA wrestling . He is one of the most successful wrestler in TNA and 2 times TNA World Heavyweight Champion winner . He is now days one of the top performers in WWE and making regular appearances on main-event pay-per views. He is looking to become the new world heavyweight champion . Styles recently made his debut back to WWE in Royal Rumble 2016.