Marcell Dareus Net Worth : $20 Million
Annual Salary : $16.6 Million
Contract Base Salary : $95.1 Million (2016–2021)
Date of Birth : March 13, 1990
Country / Birthplace : Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Age : 25 Year Old
Occupation : American Footballer
NFL Team : Buffalo Bills
Marcell Dareus is playing for the team of Buffalo Bills in NFL league . He is selected in the NFL draft of 2011 in round one and his overall pic number is (3). Dareus play on the position of (defensive tackle) and one of the strongest athletes considered in the team of Buffalo Bills. So far in his career he made 253 successful tackles during the match and 12 times made perfect pass deflections . He signed a new contract $95.1 million deal with the Buffalo Bills for next six years upto year (2021). The contract he signed also include ($60 million) in guaranteed money which makes him expensive player in NFL season 2016.
Annual Salary : $16.6 Million
Contract Base Salary : $95.1 Million (2016–2021)
Date of Birth : March 13, 1990
Country / Birthplace : Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Age : 25 Year Old
Occupation : American Footballer
NFL Team : Buffalo Bills
Marcell Dareus is playing for the team of Buffalo Bills in NFL league . He is selected in the NFL draft of 2011 in round one and his overall pic number is (3). Dareus play on the position of (defensive tackle) and one of the strongest athletes considered in the team of Buffalo Bills. So far in his career he made 253 successful tackles during the match and 12 times made perfect pass deflections . He signed a new contract $95.1 million deal with the Buffalo Bills for next six years upto year (2021). The contract he signed also include ($60 million) in guaranteed money which makes him expensive player in NFL season 2016.