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William Regal Net Worth - Salary 2016

William Regal Net Worth - Salary 2016
Net Worth : $8 Million

Salary :

Date of Birth : 
May 10, 1968

Country / Birthplace : 
Codsall, United Kingdom

Source of Income :  WWE

Age :
47 Year Old

After British bulldog , William Regal gets one of the top fame in wrestling from England . He is semi-retire from the wrestling entertainment industry but currently working as on-air personnel in WWE and become the General Manager of NXT franchise. His full name is "Darren Kenneth Matthews" .

He is active in the wrestling from a very long period of time and got good knowledge about the wrestlers and their skill's . He won the WCW World Television Championship 4 times in wrestling history. He is 2 time champion of the Intercontinental Championship in WWE. During his wrestling career he shared great rivalry with (Kurt Angle , Stone Cold , Edge , Christian , and Chris Jericho) .

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