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Vicky Teoh Net Worth 2016

Vicky Teoh Net Worth 2016
Net Worth : $938 Million

Nationality : Australian

Spouse : David Teoh

Country / Birthplace : Malaysia

Source of Income : TPG, start-up investments , TPG Telecom

Children : 4

She is one of the richest business woman in Australia today .  She is born in Malaysia and married to one of the top Business personalities David Teoh. She came to Australia 1986 and she established a computer hardware retail group "Total Peripherals" . In early 2000's the computer hardware is shifted to the Internet services and its huge success for the retail group.

Vicky Teoh ranked among the most powerful Australian woman today in Business according to a news sources "BRW". She is one of the highest earning self-made women in Australia . If we collected David Teoh and Vicky Teoh wealth combine then it will closer "$2.003 billion".

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