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Top 10 Smallest Countries in the World 2016

Top 10 Smallest Countries in the World 2016
Top 10 Smallest Countries in the World 2016
Rank Country Km²
1 Vatican 0.44
2 Monaco 2
3 Nauru 21
4 Tuvalu 26
5 San Marino 61
6 Liechtenstein 160
7 Saint Kitts and Nevis 261
8 Maldives 298
9 Malta 316
10 Grenada 344
There 4 big continents all around the world (Asia , Africa , America , and Europe) but our topic which we are going to discuss is the smartest countries in the World . We have collected the list of top ten smallest. Vatican is one of the smallest countries and you will find it in Italy inside Rome. Monaco , Nauru are the other smallest countries .

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