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Laura Siegemund Net Worth 2016

Laura Siegemund Net Worth 2016
Net Worth : $1 Million

Career Earnings : 

Date of Birth : 
March 4, 1988

Country / Birthplace : Filderstadt, Germany

Age :
27 Year Old

Occupation : Tennis

Laura turned pro in tennis in 2002 . She is a German born tennis star . So far she did not achieve much big a competition win but she has won major ITF tennis title in her career . She played her first grand-slam title Roland Garros in 2014 .

She did not manage to get qualify and lost the match in the qualifying round 3. In 2015 she participated in Australian Open and the result is same for her she faced defeat in the qualifying round . In doubles category she has won 2 major WTA titles . She is currently ranked 100 in the WTA rankings and hopeful to get good results in the upcoming tennis year.

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